Sunday, April 7, 2013


Do you ever stop and ask yourself this question?  The people that missed a flight or couldn't get a ticket for it.... and it crashed......was that a coincident or was there a reason for it?  I feel God is in charge of all things and we should not question these things but thank God for being with us.  Sherrie called and they were able to fly home from LA safely, I always worry.  Karrie called and Annie's cheer team won the National championship competition in LA.this morning.  Last night Pam and I went out to dinner and then played cards awhile, a nice quiet evening, Rob had gone to Idaho and Will off to a sorority prom.  Off to Panniers for Sunday dinner.  It is trying to rain, but always does on conference days.  There were a lot of people in Salt Lake this weekend. Wrote emails to both my missionaries for P-DAY tomorrow......miss them.

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