Monday, April 22, 2013


I don't Deni that horses are beautiful creatures, I have a beautiful horse picture above my fire three daughters all went through a stage of loving horses.....but I need a little space when I see a horse......well really a lot of space!  I did try riding once's like this..... I decided to try horseback riding even though I had no lessons or prior experience....I mounted the horse, unassisted, and the horse immediately sprang into action.  It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but I began to slip from the saddle.  In terror, I grab the horses mane, but cannot get a firm grip, I try to throw my arms around the horses neck, but I slide down the side of the horse anyway.  The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious of its slipping rider.  Finally giving up my frail grip I attempt to leap away from the horse and throw myself to safety.  Unfortunately, my foot became entangled in the stirrup, I am now at the mercy of the horses pounding hooves as my head is struck against the ground over and over.  I am mere moments away from unconsciousness when to my great fortune, Frank the Walmart greeter sees my dilemma and unplugs the horse......AND that's my story and I as sticking to it!!!!
I look forward to Mondays because that is the day I hear from my two cute missionaries.  Sherrie called and is feeling a little better but thinks Brayden is getting what she had and Ken is just getting over it.  Been a long week for that family. One more week and April 2013 will be history......people enjoy everyday because life really flys by.

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