Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I love this picture of Nicci with that fun looking banana she is about to eat.......should she or shouldn't she?  The Journal Psychological Science reports if your indecisive....STANDSTILL.  Can't choose between two equally good options---like which phone to buy or where to eat---or what to eat.  Stand perfectly still and you'll come up with the perfect choice faster,  When trying to make decisions, subtle body movements---like swaying from side to side---encourage the brain to continue wavering back and forth between the options, while standing still tells it to decide!
More good advice; Snack on chocolate-covered pretzels...Yes!  The salty-sweet flavor is just what you need to keep your focus sharp.  That is because it prompts your taste buds to send contradictory signals to your brain, and that mixed message jolts you out of any sluggishness, making you more alert!....I didn't know that.  I need to be sharp today because I'm off to play bridge with one of my favorite groups.  Friends, especially old friends, are so wonderful.

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