Wednesday, May 1, 2013


MAY FIRST.......this is what this horse and I woke up to at seven this morning!  I could not believe it!  We had about an inch and it was cold enough that it was sticking on the ground until about noon.  I see where some people planted their tomato  and cucumber plants already and they were trying to brush them off.
Picked up my neighbor at the University Hospital after her colonoscopy, mailed my bills, went to Michaels for ribbon and had lunch at the Desert Book Store......they have the best soup and home made rolls.  Of course I picked up a book to breeze through while I ate, it was by Russell Ballard called "Drop by Drop".  It was about our Beehive symbol, how we model our lives from the busy little bees.  They all work together to make it happen and be successful.  In a bee's lifetime they will only contribute 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey to the hive, but if hundreds contribute that much, that is all they need.  In our life if we would contribute that much or more our world would be so much better.  Honey is also one of the most perfect foods you can eat and I do love honey.  Yes, it was a very enjoyable lunch......then home for a nap.

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