Thursday, May 30, 2013


Do you ever have one of those days when it is just an effort to get out of bed?  Today was one of those and I had to because the Comcast man was coming at 8:00......or not!  I got dressed, but no make up or fancy stuff.....just up.  Well almost two hours later he found water in one of the cable lines and I am back on line with no problems.  I really have the urge to just run up to Walmart and get a few things and I don't think anyone would even notice my wild hair, wrinkles with no make-up or mismatched clothes and no shower.  I would probably just fit in!!!!
I want to quote Tony Robbins one of my favorite authors that I agree with totally. "Live life fully while you're here.  Experience everything.  Take care of yourself and your friends.  Have fun, be crazy, be weird.  Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might ad well enjoy the process.  Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes; Find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.  Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human!"
I feel Walmart demonstrates it loves crazy, weird people that don't worry about impressing anyone !!!!Many feel "here I am you lucky people, just take my money and make me welcome?.....and that is what Frank, the Walmart greeter is for.
If you happen to run into me at Walmart looking like the picture above......just walk on by!

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