Monday, May 6, 2013


Every Monday morning I make a list of the things I need to do for the week.....if I'm lucky I get half of it done, but that is OK.   I wonder if it is God's plan to slow you down as you age because your body is wearing out.....I need to finish the laundry, do a little house work and get out in the yard on the weeds before I plant.  I am so anxious to plant flowers, it is getting warmer but suppose to rain most the week.  I could just go to a movie or shopping which I don't dare put on my to-do list!
A lot of life has to be taken on faith.  You could not have faith if you didn't have doubt. Whether it's in church, life or just personal relationships, the secret to balance is where you let your doubts take you.  There seems to be different levels of doubt.  Level one is the most relaxed level of doubt there is; no pressing questions.  God is in heaven and all things in your life, nation etc are secure. Level two is you have a shadow of a doubt....not necessarily about everything, but maybe about some thing important that used to be black and white but now is starting to look a little grey.  Level three; "OK, wait a minute"....doubt is starting to jell into something that needs to be researched. Level four "Things are starting to get really bad".  If you have doubt about one thing, why not doubt everything? Doubts starts translating into overt disobedience......Level five; "Everyone but me is in left field"......This stage represents complete meltdown and declaration of war. Doubting isn't bad.  It's actually healthy.  It can be educational, but it also can lead to destruction if you let it overtake your ability to have 'Faith'.  It is important to recognize where doubt is taking you so you can manage it rather than letting it manage you.

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