Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My Mother's Day was extended two more days......Pam took me to breakfast this morning. But, as I have said before when you have three wonderful daughters.....everyday is Mother's Day for me! Well, we broke a record yesterday, it was 93 degrees....... first time ever on the record for this time of year. A few more flowers to plant then sit back and enjoy my summer.
A grandmother's good advice to her grandchild who seemed to be faced with constant trials: Carrots, eggs or coffee....which are you?  Grandma quietly put three pots of water on the stove and turned up the heat.  In one pot she placed fresh carrots, second an egg and third ground coffee beans. Twenty minutes later she turned off the stove....fished out the carrots and put them in a bowl....another bowl the egg and the last bowl poured coffee.  "What do you see?" she ask the child. Carrots, egg and coffee came the answer.  Look closer.....carrots soft, crack egg was hard boiled.....taste and smell the aroma of the coffee.  "What's the point grandma the child ask?" 
The carrot went in strong, a little hot water caused it to get soft and weak.....The egg was fragile, the hard shell protected it's outside, but the inside became hardened in hot water.  However, after the coffee beans endured the hot water they changed the water. Are you a carrot, but with pain and adversity do you wilt and become soft and lose your strength? Are you an egg that starts out with a malleable heart, but change with heat? Do you have a fluid spirit but after a death, divorce, financial hardship have become harden and stiff. Still look the same on the outside....but inside bitter, though and harden heart.  OR a coffee bean?  Actually uses hot water as a challenge to not let pain change you....releases fragrance and flavor when things seem worst, you get better and change the situation around you  .Grandmother's  have a way of showing you what real life is all about.
When hours are darkest and trials are the greatest do we elevate to another level....or just give up?

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