Monday, May 20, 2013


It was a good day and a bad day......but aren't they all?  Lived through my colonoscopy with pretty good news.  Got messages from both my missionaries and they are both doing good.....Rich had two baptisms last week and Alex got my package and was happy. But they had to put the Pannier's dog, Drake down, they discovered he had is never easy to lose an old faithful friend.
We are who we are because of who our parents were and their parents and on down the line.  Beginning with the language we speak!  Language is the code for understanding and communication between humans.  It was not our choice to speak English.  I didn't choose my religion or moral values.....they were already there before I was born.   When we were young we never had the opportunity to choose what to believe or what not to believe.  We didn't even choose our names......" When we start to believe it is called "faith"  To have faith is to believe unconditionally.  Children are domesticated like order to teach a dog we punish the dog and we give it rewards.....we train our children whom we love so much kinda the same way.......only different.......  You can say "no" to someone and still love them, but you don't always get that when your young.  I was very lucky to be born into an English speaking family, with a religion I love, parents who taught me good moral values, chose a name I was OK with and taught me to have faith in people.  As for being trained like the dog, we didn't have a dog when I was going up, but can't complain about my was always done with lots of love and tender care.

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