Thursday, May 16, 2013


"Whatever you a good one."
"I am not bossy.....I just know what you should be doing!!"
"Just a matter of time before they add the world "Syndrome" after my last name?"
I love all the cute sayings that pop up everyday in your life.....they all give you something to think about.  Is there a critical voice in your head that keeps telling you how you could be better?  We are quick to take a casserole to an ailing neighbor or comfort a friend going through a painful divorce.  Yet, when something painful happens to us we brush it off. "As women, we're socialized to always offer kindness to others, not to ourselves." When we ignore our suffering, it doesn't disappear----the stress and worry only mount until we're overwhelmed and exhausted.  But since comforting ourselves does not come easily or naturally we have to make an effort to squeeze our own hand, pat our own backs or put your hand over your heart.....when you give yourself a kindness, it releases soothing hormones like oxytocin that calms your whole system.  In giving yourself permission to care for yourself, you'll gain the emotional resources you need to keep your heart open and give yourself some personal love and attention.  If I want flowers.....I buy myself some......I deserve them!  When I want to splurge on a special treat or something nice....I do it....I have to take care of me.  You ladies and girls out there....put yourself first sometimes.

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