Friday, May 10, 2013


The hardest thing to life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn.......Just remember what you do today does matter.....because tomorrow this day will be gone forever leaving in its place what I traded this day for!  I like this old story that illustrates those who hang in there are the ones that survive:  It seems that two frogs were playing on the rafters of a dairy farm one night and they fell into adjoining pails of cream.  Both frogs scrambled for survival, but one fought longer and harder, and stayed on course.  When the farmer came in the next morning, he found one frog floating on top of a pail of cream, dead; and the other frog standing on a cake of butter......exhausted, but happy to be alive.
MORAL: When we let problems overwhelm us, when we stop jumping and hopping and scrambling for survival, we stop living.  But when we hang in there and fight the good fight we end up on a cake of butter.
I remember this little story when I think "why try".....but then again I think "try again."  Finally looks like the weather is cooperating and I am going to plant flowers this weekend.  Pam came by with a mother's day gift and they were off to Idaho for the weekend.  Sherrie met Karrie and I in Midway yesterday and we spent several fun hours together. What would you do without your kids.......

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