Monday, May 13, 2013

IF ONLY........

Yesterday was a fun Mother's Day.....I talked to all three daughters and both my missionary grandsons.......Had a fun dinner and afternoon with one family.  It doesn't get any better than that.  Once a mother....always a mother.....and every day is Mother's Day for me!  I also thought about the wonderful Mother I had for a short 38 years.  She was such a good example for me in all she did and the kind of person she was.  Having a good mother in your life is one of the greatest blessings any child can have......Thank you God.
Then there is always the IF ONLYS in our lives.  I think it would be safe to say no one gets through life without a few IF ONLY.....IF ONLY I had done this or if only I had done that OR IF ONLY I hadn't done this or that!  IF ONLY can lead to all kinds of situations, most of them bad.  IF ONLY can fill your stomach with ulcers.....can give you high blood-pressure.....can take the zing out of your marriage.....depress you to the point of suicide!  You see, yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow may never come. Today is all you have, so hang in  there and do the best you can and at the end of the day you will be at the place of your choice instead of being haunted by IF ONLY, IF ONLY, IF ONLY!  You will find you sleep a lot better also.  Can't believe it is suppose to be 92 degrees today, of course the weather man has been wrong before!

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