Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'M FINE.......

I would love to put this message on the phone........
When someone asks me if I am fine I always answer "yes I am fine."........which could easily be: F.....fed up! I......insecure!  N.......neurotic!   E.....emotionally unstableAsk how I explain never remarrying, it is simple;  I will not be any man's half-time, down-time, spare-time, or sometimes.  So don't waste my time!  Don't stumble over things behind you.......is very good advice. Have you ever jumped to conclusion in anger----only to find out you were wrong.....I am sure everyone is guilty of it at some time in their lives.  The Prince Dog story is such a good example; There is an old Welsh story from the 13th century about a Prince who returned home to find his dog covered with blood, his baby boy missing and the cradle over turned.  In anger the prince pulled out his sword and killed his dog.  Shortly there after, he heard the cry of his son.....the baby was alive and by the infants side lay a dead wolf.  The dog had in reality, defended the Prince's baby from the wolf. Before you jump to conclusion about something or become judgemental remember this little story and get all the details so you won't BE SORRY.

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