Saturday, May 18, 2013


Don't complain to your doctor about being tired......I did and it lead to a EKG.....wearing a 24 hour heart monitor and having a stress test!!!  "If you have symptoms like fatigue, skin issues, weight gain, weight around the middle, trouble sleeping, always sleeping, PMS, endometriosis, infertility, PCOS, or other issues, chances are you have Harmon Imbalance??   Oh really?  All I complained about was just always being tired.....every time I passed the bed I just wanted to crawl back in. Then Monday a Colonoscopy....yea......I guess Tuesday will either be Good News or Bad News.
Karrie and Annie came over and we did a light go over  in the house digging things out for their coming garage sale. Some times I think the kids are afraid I will be on that TV show about "Hoarders".....and that would really embarrass them.  I was happy to donate....some things I forgot I even had.....and certainly didn't need any longer.  We did not have time to hit the closets for clothes and shoes, but I promised to get on that next.  Annie has been accepted to go to India next spring with YMAD (Youth Make a Difference)....but they have to help earn their own money as part of a learning lesson.  Richard went to the Philippines with the group and loved it.  I think my grandchildren have inherited my gypsy gene, they all love to travel! My Nicci has been to many countries, Alex went to Europe for three weeks with the Young Ambassadors.....Brayden went to Ghana to build desks for a new school for his Eagle Scout badge and Kennedy went to Mexico for his Eagle scout badge!  Yes!  Bought two cucumber plants today......that's my garden for the year......

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