Sunday, May 19, 2013


Every family goes through it..... disagreeing with others in the family.We all know what you do or how you act, you will get a consequence back from that.....good or bad is your choice by your decision. You can get mad and scream and accuse, but that doesn't change the consequence.  So what is the definition of "enable".....Webster says : "enable 1. To make able; to give (one) strength or authority sufficient for the purpose.  2. To make practicable or easy; as, steam and electricity enable rapid transit.  Sny. Enable, empower.  To enable is to provide with means of opportunity, to empower, to delegate power or authority to do something."  When someone accuses you of being an enabler of course it can be both good and bad.  If you are giving a drug addict money to buy drugs......that is bad!  But, when you reach out to help someone to better themselves or give them money or things that makes their lives better, easier or to move are enabling for the good.  Some accusers should look at their lives!  Has anyone loaned or gave them money to buy a house, a car, helped with their food bills, medical bills, children's clothes or activities, education???? I bet no accuser can say, "no, I never received any help from the accused!"  Well, if I am enabler because I have helped someone along the way.....for the good....then so be it....... I AM AN ENABLER! How you treat me for this action is your choice and you will endure the consequences whether good or bad. Enablers are good and kind people and do it out the love of their hearts.....they realize they need to examine if it will benefit the person or not that they are enabling. Of course, if we are furthering people's bad habits that are endangering them.....we know that isn't good! Interestingly enough the people who accuse you of being judge-mental are the worst judgmental people out there? Ask yourself .....have I accepted anything that enabled me to move to the place I am now?  Have I perhaps enabled my children with help to move on? Come on be honest........Well like they say, the best thing about life goes on....don't have any regrets.

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