Friday, May 31, 2013


Today we enjoy the last day of May 2013.......Tomorrow with most schools out everyone starts planning their summer vacation. I have had so many wonderful vacations around the world seeing and meeting many wonderful and interesting people.  The two pictured are a tribe in  Chiang Ria Thailand.  I have visited their village and had a picture taken with them......even the oldest one here.  You really have to see it to believe it to believe it.
In my quest to visit 100 countries by the time I was 70.....and I did......I slept around a lot!! I shudder to even remember some of those beds I slept in and never a thought about checking for "bed partners"......"BEDBUGS".  in any of them. Egypt, India, Ecuador, Slovakia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, China and all over Europe.  Now days Bed Bugs are something to worry about. It's become a rite of summer, the teary tales of vacations ruined, the zooms on the tiny red weltes, and the info graphic of the life cycle of the tiny invaders. You can easily bring these hitch-hikers home from your travelers. They get into your clothes when you sleep or leave your clothes or luggage on an infested bed......then when you get home you lay your luggage on your bed to unpack they set up home in your bed?  Of course, there are a lot of IFs in there. To be safe check the mattress and behind the headboard of your hotel room. Many times you don't even know you are bitten. Sad news insects can pop up just about anywhere, hotels, apartments, churches, hospitals, Laundromats, movie theaters and offices right in your neighborhood.  Bottom line I guess is you just can't escape the chance of encountering  them so just go on living and ignore all the hype on TV. Have a fun summer and enjoy your vacations........

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