Saturday, June 1, 2013


Happy tourist does each state attract tourist to it's state?  That seems to be the big question for many now that June is here.  Poor Oklahoma got hit by another tornado, the second in the last 10 I know why they call that area "tornado alley." I have been to 48 of our 50 states, but Oklahoma and North Dakota are the other two I'm still aiming for.  Hope some of Oklahoma is still there when I got around to my visit. Each state tries to find something special or exciting to get people to visit.  Mount Rushmore was conceived in the early 1900's by the state historian Doane Robinson to draw tourists to South Dakota.  He wrote a noted sculptor, Gutzon Borglum and invited him to the Black Hills.  It was Borglum who picked the four presidents and granite expanse in 1925.  It took Borglum and hundred of workers 14 years and million of dollars to create the monument.  Each bust as tall as a six-story building.  The noses of each president is 20 feet long. In what direction do the presidents face?  They face southeast, gaining maximum exposure to the sun......lets see where should we carve ole' Brigham.....on Mt. Olympus, the Okras?  NO, our tourist attraction is the "Great Salt Lake".  Nature took care of our points of interest and the Great Salt Flats as a bonus! Every state loves having something to brag about.   (We don't have to prove it.....we are already great!) Great day for garage sales.....and to mail my bills!

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