Sunday, June 23, 2013


A beautiful Sunday morning.......The three dogs and I enjoyed the morning paper and coffee on the patio.  Marley and Izzey spent the weekend with me while the Cooks enjoyed a weekend in Bear Lake.  Also Sunday is my day to email my missionaries, the weeks just fly by.  Having bridge here Wednesday and the Domino group here on it is time to clean house and get my social life in another busy week looms ahead putting a little stress in my life.
"REFRAME IT" what I learned in NLP! When a delay makes you anxious, just reframe it by asking...."What's interesting around me?" 'When you are trying to fit a week's worth of to-do's into a few hours, a traffic jam or long line in a store, seems something less than a disaster to you.  To transform your mind-set and dial down tension, ask, "What's interesting around me?" In our hurry-up society, we often don't take the time to stop and experience what's around us Now if we are in a line shopping in Walmart.........seeing something strange, new or different around us isn't a problem!!!. Even a few laughs are possible with their clientele. Turn your aggravations into opportunities to find peace and joy in your present surroundings. When in traffic, read the stickers and license plates and get a chuckle or discover a new little coffee shop or new bakery you hadn't seen the many times you drove by this spot before in your hurried life.  Refraining is so easy...... other ideas; When rudeness aggravates you....ask "Is this funny yet?" When an intrusion make you angry ask, "How much of my day is this affecting?" When a nervous habit irritates you like nail biting, gum snapping or pen clicking, ask "Is there something I can do to relieve that person's stress?" When boredom make you restless ask, "How can I be of service? Make a phone call to a lonesome person, make some cookies for a neighbor....good deeds trigger positive interaction that keep your mind active." Refraining has become a lot of fun in my life.

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