Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Happy Birthday to my first grandchild, Tiffany Pannier Horton.  I love this picture taken two and a half years ago.  Time does fly and especially when I remember all the good times we have had through the years and how excited I was when she made me a grandma for the first time.  She has been my first in many things ........first to graduate from high school, from college, to get married......I wonder if she will be the first to make me a great-grandma?  Time will tell. Any way, here's wishing her many years of health and happiness and lots more birthdays.
Enjoying another fun day on the farm.  The boys got up early and are off to mow at the apartments.  Sherrie and Darren will be home tonight  and I will go home tomorrow.  Nice little break and I am enjoying it.

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