Thursday, June 13, 2013


This is a picture of my second granddaughter.....Nicci Pannier!  SO why is she hanging with a police man in California at her Bachelorette party?  When I was taking writing lessons one of the writing suggestions was if you can't think of what to write about, take a favorite photo.....or any photo and tell a story of what you believe the picture is about! The famous words 'One picture is worth a thousand words" so holds true so many times. Nicci looks happy so the encounter probably wasn't too bad, maybe she parked in a no parking zone OR maybe this police man just heard there was a good party going on and stopped by to check it out OR maybe she just has a surprised look because she can't believe he is hauling her off to jail for being out past curfew OR maybe she just invited him to their party?  Being a proud grandma I think I will go for the last one, and I probably don't want to know what is really happening in the photo!  Cute picture........
Saw this cute saying on face book and think it applies to us all......"Listen up now.....Life holds many choices, With plenty of roads, And oodles of detours, Even piles of mistakes, But don't quit smiling......All totaled it makes the world interesting!" and it makes us who we are today.  Off to St George tomorrow and will take in Mary Poppins at the Touacon theater.  Then to Cedar City Saturday morning to Andrea's graduation ceremony from Girl's State Young Ambassadors (or something like that).....and bring her home.  I see where St. George was 103 degrees yesterday.

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