Thursday, June 20, 2013


Another beautiful day on the farm.  Water wheels going everywhere, new mown hay smelling so good, no wind today and the lake looks like glass.  I even saw a deer in the field in back.  Oh yes, and a few strange looking things that live in the meadows in back are kinda interesting.  Sherrie and I hopped in her little red Mercedes convertible and headed off to Walmart to shop......where else......?  Darren off to girls camp to cook dinner with the bishopric tonight and I am just hanging out with Ken and the dogs.  The kids are flying down to Lake Powell tomorrow to look at another house boat and ask me to go.......but I had a good excuse......I promised Karrie I would tend her two dogs while they go to Bear Lake for the weekend.  Darren is determined I am going to get in his airplane one of these days.......I might!
Going to meet Brayden for lunch and buy some chicken feed this afternoon. Busy, busy.  Home tomorrow.

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