Saturday, June 22, 2013


Last night and tonight is this wonderful sight!  The Solstice Full Moon!! Yesterday being the longest day of the year......darnit. I love these long warm days of summer and from my patio enjoy the evenings and starry nights.  We are so lucky, God never quits giving us these beautiful things to enjoy and he never charges us for them.  'Stop and smell the roses'......Oh yes......they are all blooming so beautifully in our units here.
This statement is so hard for me to understand......and yet......looking back in my life I see the reason for most things that happened to me and they were for the best in the end.  BUT, reading today of a small craft running into a house boat on Lake Powell where one was killed and two girls are still lost in the lake.....I wonder, what was the reason for this? I am sure I will never know the answer to this question of WHY, and will just have to trust that God has the answer.  My Christenson family is in Lake Powell this weekend and I always pray they will be safe......and enjoy that beautiful moon.
On my "I didn't know that" list I read today. The largest meteorite crater in the world is in Winslow, Arizona.  It is 4,150 feet across and 150 feet deep! ........and I have seen it. The largest in the!

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