Saturday, June 8, 2013


"Let tomorrow wait it's turn....I am enjoy today."  I love Saturdays especially in the summer because of......garage sales.  I guess I inherited the love of old things and a 'good sale' from my mother.  I especially love too haggle even if I don't need a darn thing. I find more and more any day is a good day if I wake up and can get up.  I love Betty White's  attitude at 91.....maybe it's just the name Betty that has some magic......but in 10 years I would love to have her energy and attitude.  Betty says, "I'm blessed with good health; that's the bottom line.  A lot of people at 91 don't feel as good as I do.  I  have a two-story house and a very bad memory, so that's my exercise;  I keep going up and down the stairs because I forget things." Yep, that's me too.  Keep busy, just went to the Home Depot and bought six new perennials to put in the back my garden. "Some days I feel I have done it all, but there's no law against doing it again!"....well some of it.  The last guy that checked me out was the clerk at the grocery store......

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