Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Well, here I am in Vernal on the farm for a couple of days.  Sherrie thinks I am tending her boys, but truth is her boys are tending their 81 year old grandmother.......we just won't tell her that. She left Kennedy a list of "to do's" today; Water front flowers, Water garden, Water horses, Water/feed/get eggs-chickens, Take out the garbage, feed and water dogs, feed and water cat in barn, empty clean dishes dish washer and water all the trees .....even around the barn.  With a list like that every day you can't remember how old you are. We did about half the list this morning while it was cool and now I am on a coffee break???? I guess I will quit asking Sherrie ......."so what did you do today?".....as long as she is out here I will know! Thank goodness for three boys who have really learned how to work! Most city kids don't have all these experiences. It really is beautiful here, all the sprinklers going on the fields in back and the lake is up and so pretty.  Out front they are hauling in the big bales of fresh hay.  It does bring back many fond memories of the years I spent on the farm growing up in Colorado.  This a wonderful place to raise three boys Enjoyed dinner at their cabin in Park City last night before we drove to Vernal, it has always been one of my favorite places. The boys spent the day with me in Salt Lake and swam at the condo pool so had a fun day with Scottie......cousins are your best friends!  So I am remembering only that I was young once and lived on a ranch, where wonderful memories were made. 

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