Sunday, June 16, 2013


On this Father's Day my heart is full of love for my wonderful Father.  He was tall, dark and handsome.  He was quiet and reserved and treated Mother and his four daughters.......well all women......with respect, and expected others to do the same.  He expected the best from you and you tried hard never to disappoint him.  He was always there for me and no matter how old I got it was wonderful to be in his arms knowing he loved me and was proud of me. The only time I remember him getting cross was when......having four girls who always fought whose turn it was to do the dishes after dinner each night......he didn't think there should be a problem.  Everyone loved dad.....DICK YEOMANS.  He worked hard, we weren't rich but, we never went hungry and had a loving warm home to grow up in.
I also thank my three son-in-laws for being good father's to my 9 grand-children.
Happy Father's Day to all.

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