Sunday, June 30, 2013


Think about this......Three things in life that, once gone, never come back!
First Time....."Today is the beginning of a new day, God has given me this day to use as I will.  I can waste it or use it well.  BUT, what I do with this day is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.  Tomorrow this day will be gone forever.....leaving in it's place what I traded it for.  I want it to be a win, not a loss, good not evil, a success not a failure, in order that I will never regret the price I paid of this day." No you can never go back and reclaim your wasted time.
Second Words......"Remember when your arguing with a fool......he is doing the same thing!" "If you can't say something nice.....don't say anything at all" is very good advice. Words can hurt more than blows and untrue words can ruin a person's life.
Third Opportunity....."You never get a second chance to make a first impression", Never look back and say, 'I had the opportunity to go, see or do, but I didn't take it......and be sorry forever about missing it.  I will think about these more carefully now.
HOT,HOT, HOT......we are really having a heat wave across the west and breaking all kinds of records.  Yesterday Phoenix was 119 yesterday.....can you believe that?

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