Monday, July 1, 2013


Happy Month of July..........the summer is passing to fast! Looks like another busy month starting being busy!
Saw an article today that made start thinking is going to church the only way to be a good person?  Why are we judged on how many hours we sit in church......ignoring the character the rest of the week.  My father would not be considered a religious person if you measured him by the hours he spent in church......never did. I think what is more important than being outwardly religious is how someone lives his life......and I believe God is watching that. My dad, Richard (Dick) Yeomans,  he truly lived his life by the Golden Rule.  He was good, kind, honest, helpful and loved and provided for his family of Mom and five kids.  He also warmly welcomed other children who needed a home and love until they could get out of high school.  I think how he treated people would make Jesus proud. So though he had no outward trappings of faith, his moral center was strong. He set a good example to his children as he quietly and steadily did the right thing. It made him happy when Mom and the kids went to church, it just wasn't for him.  I do not go to church but I love God and have a testimony my church is true and try to be the best Mom, grandma, sister, friend, neighbor etc. I can be. I wonder what we would see after some of our church leaders leave church if we followed them through their weekly lives? They are the first to judge others.  I love you Dad!
Mondays are catch up day....doing laundry, mailing bills, going to cleaners and grocery store. Oh yes.

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