Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Two of my best friends came for coffee this morning at 10:30 and they left at 4;00!  What are the regular hours of a "COFFEE".....maybe 10;00 TO 12:00?  Oh well, the therapy bill would be very high on the problems we solved in that time.........I just love these ladies and they could have stayed all night and I wouldn't mind. What is Love?  Love is a noun......1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.  2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, children or friend.
Urban dictionary;.....Love the greatest gift God ever gave man.  Love is not wanting to go anywhere without (him, her or them).  You feel depressed and sickly when your not with them.  You feel life has no purpose or meaning without them.  You tell them everyday, every time, any where, for no reason, you love them.  Love is pure happiness.  To really define true love, would be to ruin it's purity, therefore, it has no true definition!!!! 
True love is when you would give up  your whole world, give up your life, your everything just to make sure these people you love are OK.
Yep, that just about covers all the things true love is......I really have no words to tell you how much I love my three daughters and nine grandchildren!

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