Monday, July 22, 2013


Each part of the world has it's landmarks.  I have been lucky enough to have seen some of them.  In Paris the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State building in New York and the London Tower with Big Ben, all are a thrill no matter how many times you are lucky enough to see them.  Pictures do no do them justice, but for those who don't travel their beauty and majestic statues can be shared.
Another monument that I will never forget is the one at the EQUATOR in Ecuador, So America.  What a thrill.  With friends we shook hands from country to country or straddled the Equator with one foot in one hemisphere and the other foot in another. Yes, that trip is high on my 'MUST SEE' list to all of you.
But after seeing Stone Hedge, the Great Wall, the Great Pyramids, Angkor Watt for a few......I realize there are many interesting, significant, historic and quirky landmarks in the US that I have not seen......or even knew about.   The one I have seen is the 'Four Corners Monument'......not far from where I grew up.  It is a bronze disk embedded in granite marks the landmark near Teec Nos Pos, Arizona.  It is surrounded by seals and flags that honor the states and tribal nations that share the geographical point. It is the only point in the United States where you can be in all  four states at the same time.  In Salt Lake we have "This Is The Place" monument where Brigham Young came through the mountains after a long trip, saw our valley with the Big Salt Lake in it and declared this is where the pioneer would settle.  A ways up the road, is the 'Golden  Spikes Monument' where the railroad  from the east and the west met. We have many monuments, big and little around the state we are proud of. 
In Kansas there is a simple 10-foot podium marking the geographic center of the contiguous 48 states. Tourist are encouraged to think about just where on earth they are. In 1918 a survey established the significance of the site and in 1941 the civic leaders put up the monument.  It is like they made a monument where the pilgrims landed at 'Plymouth Rock'. What about the Mason-Dixon Line markers.  These places marked on our map remind us of the many brave people and the hard work of the people who came before us.
"I want to inspire people.  I want my kids to look at me and say, "because of you I don't give up!"

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