Sunday, July 14, 2013


I guess I just like me the way I am....after 81 years it kinda becomes a habit. Had a fun weekend with the Panniers and Scottie.  On the way to Idaho we stopped at "YELLOWSTONE BEAR COUNTRY"..... it was pricey but I really enjoyed it.  Saw elk, moose, deer, wolves, mt goats etc. but the pen with the bears was the greatest. There were about 30 and they were swimming, playing, sleeping etc.  The weekend was spent having fun playing cards, cooking smoors in the fire -pit, hot tubing, and exploring in the razor....oh yes eating! They went fishing....I don't fish.  The weather was beautiful, enjoyed the birds and wild flowers that are everywhere and we got to go eat at my favorite  place "BOONDOCKS"
When I go up there my childhood sweeps back over me, We were out-door people who loved drift wood, strange rocks, camping, fishing, picnicking and enjoying the wild life and out doors in the mountains in Colorado. Guess I am just a country girl at heart......did miss Gigi.

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