Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This is my cute niece Korina Northcott Elliott.......she just started a blog and I am so happy.  She has much to give and share to many.  My sister Dixie.....her mother.....loved to write and even wrote a book that was published.  I think Kina will follow in her foot steps.  Her blog entitled 'bloom where your planted', reminded me of the picture at the top.  I saw it and thought of her blog and how she has been struggling to grow in her new home in Winslow, after her move there from Prescott. After six months or so she is turning the move around to something positive and determined to start growing again.  I knew she could do it......she is a Yeomans......she has had a lot of mountains to climb in her life and she will master this one.  She has raised two cute daughters and her young son will grow and benefit in Winslow.
Do you think that little plant would have chosen that hard, dry place to grow, but because the wind blew that seed to that undesirable place, that little plants dug itself in accepting the sun and fresh air god provided and grew.  A lesson for all us in life.  Bloom where you are planted is wonderful advice for all of us.  Look forward to enjoying Korina's blog.

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