Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The world is changing so fast and not really for the good.  What has happened to our leaders when it comes to all their promises to commit their time and lives to serve us well.  They are not sincere you can't believe any of them, especially the president and hard work??? What a joke.  I guess the only thing I can depend on to be constant is  "The Father - Son - Holy Spirit". This little sign says a lot.
I am finding more and more of friends my age are dying, which brings up the many customs of death.  Did you know.......Several hundred years ago, lead cups were used for drinking ale and whiskey.  The combination would sometimes knock people out for days.  When found they were sometimes presumed dead and were prepared for burial.  They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family gathered around eating and drinking to see if they would wake up.  Hence the custom of holding  "a wake."
England started running out of places to bury people.  So they dug up coffins and took the bones back to their house and reused  the graves. 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratched marks on the inside and they realized they have been burying people alive. So they decided to tie wrists with a cord , lead it through the coffin, then up through the ground and tie it to a bell.  Someone  was posted all night to listen for a bell.  Thus began "the graveyard shift."  Where their relatives hoped their loved ones might be "saved by the bell" and become a "dead ringer?"  True or not sounds good to me.

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