Sunday, July 7, 2013


With a granddaughter's wedding coming up in September.......and I want to wear the same dress I wore at Tiffany's wedding.......I have got to get serious and lose a few pounds.  I don't think I am alone when it comes to having the condition that prevents us from staying with a diet......called "freakin hungry."  My dreams to lose lots of weight.....deserve another chance!  It is not true that there are no "do-overs" in life.  Each and every day brings the opportunity for a fresh start and you always have the power to look ahead instead of back, and to try again.  I can't count the times I have started a diet with good intentions....only to find I have failed again.  But I will give it another's too soon to give up......success is so close????
I am ready for a beautiful, thin future!  I have dreams, I have talents, I have hope and determination, and I know how to work hard.  There's only one more thing I need.  I need to see myself for what I really truly is time to succeed.  Just talking about all this is making me hungry......Gotta stop and send my two missionaries an email and enjoy this beautiful Sunday.......and get out the cottage cheese!

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