Wednesday, July 10, 2013


This is "Baby Bree".......already named when the Panniers got her.  I think she was named after me.....B, for the Betty and ree for the Betty Ree, that I grew up with.  Any way, I have several grand-dogs, big, little and in between.  At the present I am tending Marley and Izzey, two very big dogs. Sometimes it's Sherrie's and she has a little and a medium dog.  I also have three great-grand-dogs.....Captain, Oliver and Will's new dog.
Robert Kirby commented on the dogs in his life and put them in categories that make sense.  There are the BIOLOGICAL DOGS.......those are dogs you and your husband had together to go with the children you are raising.  You treat them all the same.....they think they are people. There are STEPDOGS.......These are dogs that belong to someone who already had a dog when you got into a relationship with them.  Scott already had Captain when Tiffany married him. Some times its takes awhile for that dog to accept the new roommate.  FOSTER know you tend this dog if your roommate is in jail or your neighbor is on vacation....temporary contact. THE GRANDDOGS......These are the dogs our kids got after they left home.....and who nevertheless spend some time at your house.  They are not technically our dogs, but we still end up watching them, cleaning up and feeding them and becoming attached to them.
The thing is Kerby doesn't have a dog himself.....but I do and my kids have all been great to tend GIGI for me and they say they love her. My air conditioner decided it has had enough and I am having someone come in and check it out today.......hope this doesn't mean a new one!  Suppose to be close to 100 degrees today

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