Thursday, July 4, 2013


You can't beat a picture of the American flag......HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY to everyone!  It reminds you of our freedoms and independence and of the hundreds of wonderful people who have died in the past so we today are free.  I remember the many Fourth of Julys in my past......always meant family and fun. Growing up it was a big day in the little Colorado town of Mancos.  Parade, which I was in sometimes, rodeo, good food and fireworks.......sometimes a small carnival would come to town.  I don't celebrate quite as wildly now days but I am excited about going to the Oakley Rodeo tonight with the Cooks, which I hope has fireworks.....and lots of cute cowboys.
The Panniers are in Idaho and the Christensons are off to Lake Powell. Sherrie called yesterday to tell me her chickens in the incubator started to hatch.  She had one baby when she called and she named it "Betty Ree"......after me!  When it grows up and crows every morning to get them up they may have to rename it to Bernie or something a little more appropriate!  The thunder and lightening woke me up last night.....the storm did bring in cooler weather thank goodness.

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