Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I love this picture.......It's my GIG dog with a friend!  Well, not really but it looks just like her so maybe it is some of her family.......we all have skeletons in our closets!
Good thought: In the world of nudity, you could feel very liberated.  Out in clothed society, people are packages of clothes, shoes, watches  and other status symbols that can mask their true natures.  Style disguises substance.  I enjoy checking out interesting blogs on the Internet and ran across one that makes blogging very simple ( He put down what was happening in his life and what he was going through in only six words.....that would be a real challenge for me, I like to write to much.  Here are some for instances:  Waking up in an empty bed......My best is never good enough......I had a love, he's gone......Low hopes makes for less disappointment.....You know I liked myself once.....Lost myself, now I'm starting over......Thought I was something, guess not.  You can go on and on, interesting challenge for someone who wants to blog, but doesn't like to write! It takes all kinds to make this interesting world.   Off to lunch and bridge today.

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