Thursday, August 1, 2013


I don't know why I even turn the TV on every is the same stuff over and over and over.  Obama on the screen yakking about ........all the phony scandals going on in America.  Never taking any blame, or responsibility or doing any thing about them.  The Benghzi thing started before his reelection and he still won't come forward with the facts.  The IRS was going on and helped to get him elected......and he won't face the charges.  The NSA uproar about the government recording all our phone numbers.....a privacy act.   On journalist Fast and Furious.  I wonder what effect all this will have on my grandchildren when they look back someday or are reading this?  His one remark. "None of them involved sexing"......duh, many of  the senators are guilty of this! Am I living in an interesting time in America or what????
Karrie just called and she and Scottie, (maybe Annie), are bringing lunch over and we are going swimming.  First day of August and I'm off to mail the monthly bills. My life is flying by.

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