Monday, August 26, 2013


Yes, this is of the people I really admire.  She is known for just telling it like it is!  She does not mince words usually and thinks of all these great things I wish I had like.......She bought a bird feeder.  She hung it on the back porch and filled it with seed:  With in a week hundreds of birds were taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But, the birds starting building nests in the boards above the table.  Then came the poop .....everywhere!  Then some birds turned mean, dive bombed her and tried to peck her even though she had feed them out of her own pocket.  Some were boisterous and loud and squawked when the feeder was empty.  Finally.....she could stand no more and took the feeder down, in three days no more birds.  She cleaned up the poop and took down the nests. Soon a peaceful .back -yard demand for free meals.
Now lets see......our government gives out free food, subsidizes housing, free medical care and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen. Then illegals came by the tens of thousands.  Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for these free service: lines for medical care now, education for all is a problem , lack of teachers and 1/2 the classes don't speak English. Even corn flakes now come in bilingual press one at the bank to speak to someone in English. Maxine and I agree maybe it is time to take down the bird feeders in the government......and stop all this free stuff to non-deserving people.  If you don't agree with us, that's OK and you can just go on cleaning up the poop!
Sure like my new Lawyer, Doug Fadel.......seems to have all my bases covered. A bunch of dumb managers at Chase Bank!

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