Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I grew up thinking if it's broke....... fix it! Sew it, tape it, glue it, nail it!  But after my many years I am learning 'Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken.....it's about starting over and creating something better.'  I definitely felt a bad marriage can be made better by a divorce........ANYWAY in my case it did! Today the Panniers are cleaning out and cleaning up the home they lived in and raised their three children for 26 years.......what they wanted could not be fixed as easily as would be, by building a new house, but that doesn't make it less sad to walk away from.  I see how sad the children are, but their day will come when it will be a decision to fix or change something.....and they will have to cross that bridge when they get to it.  I do remember well the day I cleaned my family home for the last time, (26 years ago in Nov.)  and that is when the change hits you square in the heart. Two very good friends,  Patty Beltz and Nadine Lyngle came over and we vacuumed, washed, wiped and cleaned up my last family home on Lauri Kay Drive.......for the last time!  I loved that house and the neighbors.  It was a big house, 6,000 square feet, big yard, patio and double garage.  I moved to a 2900 feet condo, consequently after the garage sale I still had to rent a storage shed for half my stuff......30 years of marriage can accumulate lots of "stuff." The twins darling friends...... (boys)........ helped me get it to the storage.. None of this is the Pannier's problems, it was their choice to change neighborhoods. I know they will have mixed emotions tonight, probably more so than when they sign the papers Friday. They are hoping they can start digging the basement for the new house after Memorial Day.
Today's short reading from the Bible...from Genesis: "And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the earth." Then he made the world round......and laughed and laughed.

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