Monday, August 19, 2013


This is my third son-in-law Richard Cook......and the fourth birthday in five days for my Happy Birthday Rich.  He takes very good care of me and he and my daughter Karrie are raising three of the greatest children.....proud grandma!  We have shared a lot of good times together and hope for many more.  He is very patient when it comes to bailing me out with computer problems......or anything else I ask him to do.  He is a good father and spends quality time with his two sons.  Coaching foot ball teams for both, playing tennis and golf. I hope you have many more birthdays Rich. a call from Kennedy.....he finally passed his drivers test.  I would guess he has taken it a dozen times, but never gave up.  He wants to be a monster truck driver.......and you need a drivers license. You go Ken!

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