Friday, August 9, 2013

BUSY WEEK.......

Off  to Vernal .......and the Dinosaur Museum.  This big hairy monster is my favorite of the displays.  My grandson Alex who lives in Vernal helped his school class glue the hair on this display.....YES!  Kinda glad they are not still wandering around the earth any more. It was a fun time with the Christensons.
Last night Leslie and I were knitting up a storm when my fire alarm went off.  I have been given very strict instructions Not to climb on the step ladder and change the battery so my 70 year old little sister climbed up with her 81 year old big sister bracing her and put a new battery in.  Just settled down and the stupid thing went off again, so back up the step stool and took the battery out........still beeped so back up and took the hammer and took it off the wall and put it out on the porch.  And it keep beeping out there without a battery......guess it has a small back up battery in it!  We knew we would get no sleep if that went on all night!!!! Finally.....THEN....... the monoxide detector in my upstairs bedroom went off....TOO much.  Took it down and took the batteries out and put it outside.  We were almost ready to believe our two sisters who have passed on were here to bug us.  TODAY Karrie came with new ones that last 10 years and you never have to replace a battery!!!!! Yes.....Probably easier on the kids.  Richard came with Karrie, got my TV working, fixed my Ice Maker and lite cover and showed me how to download from my camera to my pictures!  Yes, its been a good day.
Leslie went to Orem to spend the weekend with Mike then on home through Mesquite for two nights with Dukane before heading on home to Winslow.  Every one needs a sister or two!

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