Thursday, August 8, 2013


Having a great visit with my sister Leslie.  Yesterday we hit about every yarn place in the valley......hope your not looking for fun stuff for scarfs as Leslie bought out JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Walmart!!! So far we (I made several for her) have made 29 scarfs.  We learned a fun new way where you knit with your fingers....and they go really fast.  She sold over four hundred dollars worth when she went to Mancos Days last week and Mike's wife Andrea is having a garage sale Saturday where she will put them out and then when she gets home they have a big celebration in Winslow called "Standing On the Corner"..... you know the song?  Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona....... and a Christmas Boutique.  When your retired you need something to keep you busy.  We also went to two movies and out for dinner....I was tired last night.
Today we aren't moving as fast, just lunch at Chili's and some sight seeing.  Tomorrow back to the old routine.

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