Friday, August 2, 2013


This is my second missionary Richard Puebla, Mexico.  When I was baby sitting he and his little sister one year when he was about five, they put their little table and some chairs on top of the hot tub and climbed upon the roof of their house.......agony!  I didn't dare yell until I got them down because I was afraid it would scare them and they would fall.....I coached them down.....THEN yelled!  Well, looks like he is still climbing and my yelling did no good, and I am not there to get him down! He was just sent to Puebla, Mexico, which is next to the famous volcano I will worry that it will erupt before he moves on to another safer district.
When I was in the 8th grade I had to memorize a poem about Popocatepetl  and Iztaccinhautl the legend of the two lovers, so I am so interested in the history of the second highest volcano in Mexico, 15,000 feet high, Mexico National Disaster Prevention Center laboratory keeps round the clock watch on Popo, with many technicians analyzing date for signs of a full scale eruption.  This volcano has been active for 500,000 years and had 3 eruption as large as Mt. ST. Helen's......This will be a fun thing for Richie to tell his kids someday.
Spent the day with the Panniers going over final plans for their new many exciting.

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