Thursday, August 29, 2013


Ran across some of the most interesting art today......this was made totally of pencils.......hundreds of them and the patience.......oh my!  There were many fun objects with all the colors of the rainbow accompanied by some great words of wisdom, that we could all live by; The pencil maker told the pencil, there are 5 important lessons just before putting it into the box........1.  Every thing you do will always leave a mark..........2.  You can always correct the mistakes you make.........3. What is important is inside of you.........4. In life, you will undergo painful sharpening which will only make you better...........5.To be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you. Just think about it......maybe we are all pencils inn God's hands.  #1,Of course everything we do will leave a mark on someone or something, especially our family. # 2 YES, we can always correct the mistakes we make. #3. What is important is what is in you, happy, angry, sad, mean??? #4 Boy, life is full of sharpening things that we survive and grow stronger from. #5. To be the best person you can, let go and let God direct your life. I had never thought about this before.
Back to Chase Bank and fight with the fourth trip.  Took both girls this time.......... and still walked out with no agreement as to what to do with the accounts.  Karrie is checking with her brother-in-law for a second opinion on Utah's protection for co-trustees! Karrie off to lunch with some missionary moms.  Sherrie, Kennedy and I went to lunch then, she was off to Lake Powell where they are planning a "surprise party" for Bud for his 80th this weekend.

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