Monday, August 19, 2013


God answered my prayers doubly......a baby girl that made me a mother for the first time.  Pamela Marie Peterson/Pannier.  My only child for 11 years and cherished.  Her husband (in the picture with her) and son were off bow-hunting so I went up to Idaho with her Friday/Monday.  It was fun hanging out up at the cabin and the weather was nice.  Saturday we went into West Yellow Stone shopping......and to dinner. We are shoppers. Then we went for a long drive on her birthday to a beautiful water falls......after sleeping in kinda late. Then to one of our favorite places for her birthday dinner, "BOONDOCKS", where some friends that built their cabin happened to drop in also,  they pulled up their table and chairs and joined had a fun birthday party.  Home about four today.  Guess they will get busy packing and move in next week until their new house is built. It was a fun girls weekend.....her dog Bree and my dog Gigi are both girls too, they joined us.  Another Happy Birthday marked off!

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