Saturday, August 24, 2013


I was born in 1932....81 years I was 2 years old when the Montgomery Christmas catalogue of 1934  came out with a few of these items......The prices are unbelievable.  But, of course they were in one of the worst depressions of time.  Today's paper tells what the recession we are trying to climb out of today has done to us. "Homeownership rates in Utah plunged from record highs during the run-up to the Great Recession to an 18-year low last year, underscoring the damage done by the worst economic crisis in Utah since the 1930's."........"What we went through was so unique.  This is a reflection of what happened in the housing market and the connection between jobs, income and homeownership." Home ownership reflects the true magnitude of this economic downturn. Hopefully, we are the way up again. More interesting prices of  1934......

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