Thursday, August 15, 2013


Here is my little sister, Leslie, and I in the Dinosaur Museum in Vernal Utah.  She came up for a few days and we ran down to see Sherrie.....What else did we do?  Well we knitted a lot and then she taught me to play games on the computer. As I have been spending way to much time enjoying these games after she left and feeling guilty for neglecting the house, laundry etc.....still I play on.  I was so excited when I ran across the following in a new magazine.......
"YOUR BRAIN, YOUNGER!........Playing fast-paced video games-----such as Candy Crush and Tetris-----isn't just fun.  A new University of Iowa study found that playing  just 10 hours of these games exercises your brain in ways that make it about three years younger! The fast decisions needed to play improves your brain's speed, concentration, and multitasking abilities and problem-solving skills!" So now I can play on and on knowing that I am not wasting my time but improving my brain!!!!!
The Christensons popped in last night and stayed all night with me....on their way home from Lake Powell. .I miss them so much. Brayden was heading home last night but had car trouble at Park City and came back and stayed all night......I was so excited then I got to wish him Happy Birthday.....a day early .Sherrie and Darren and Ken were staying today for a doctors appointment for Kennie. Their school in Vernal starts next Wednesday.....ours Friday. Much to do today if I am going to Idaho for the weekend......and condo meeting tonight.

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