Saturday, August 31, 2013


Saturday.....garage sale day!  I love garage sales, but I don't like estate sales. You walk into the house and everything smells like the person who died and now you are cleaning out their prized possessions......I helped clean out my family home and everything had a many, " remember this,"....... or that....... or when she got that"...... was attached to so many things. Dr. Bober says it starts early, when an infant gets attached to a blanket or a stuffed animal. Adults make similar transfer to objects that belonged to loved ones.  When we lose someone dear, and go through their stuff, its painful because these objects remind us that everything in life is temporary.  That makes us want to hang on to these objects, no object will bring happiness.
To detach, tell yourself that the important attachment is not to any object but to the person that the object represents. Whether you keep the object or let it go doesn't change your connection to a loved one. Parents 'stuff is emotionally charged because the things get merged with the person.  Letting go feels like betrayal, like you are throwing out their love and their legacy.  Hanging on to her special sweater, clock or lamp only represents a way to stay connected  to a parent no longer with you, though the memories, not the object, are the true connections. Some of my things have been promised and I will write it down for all to see......don't fight over my ugly china or cheap jewelry!!!!!! Stay friends and work together always remembering...."what goes round.....comes round." it could happen to you.  I have saved some strange things that you could never understand why.....even if I tried to tell you.  Just a wonderful time in my life I love to remember, but feel free to unload them for anything you can get out of them.  So hot today......made out bills, washed my hair and went grocery shopping.

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