Sunday, September 1, 2013


Headlines in today's paper......"IT'S OFFICIAL; THIS SUMMER HAS BEEN THE HOTTEST EVER FOR SALT LAKE CITY."  I haven't really suffered, because I love "HOT", but I am sure even the animals noticed the climate change. SLC heat broke parking meters and an Interstate 15 on ramp on its way to shattering the big one....hottest summer ever....... since record keeping started in 1874. On Friday, SLC also beat the record for number of 95-degree days during the season.  The old record was 51 days.  Maybe I can forget moving to Arizona or Florida after all. 
Today is the first day of September.....and Labor Day tomorrow......guess summer is over and the last long weekend for awhile.  Sherrie and her family are in Lake Powell throwing a big surprise party for "grandpa Bud's" 80th birthday. She said they expected about 40 people to show up.  Hoping to put the new boat in the water this weekend.  The Pannier clan all went up to Idaho for the long weekend.  The Cooks are in town as Annie had to work and Scott had football.  I'm just hanging best talent now days.
Just went down stairs to do a little laundry, (the first time down stairs since my new roommates moved in.....Well, about all I can say is; "looks like a Costco warehouse......without the free food!"  I now understand why they are praying for their "BIG DIG" to get going. There is a trail too the bed, bathroom and TV.......all the comforts of the homeless???

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