Monday, September 30, 2013

I AGAINST I........

The sooner you learn this......the sooner you are in control of your life.  When you are young of course your parents tell you what is best for don't accept it.  Teachers, church officials, friends are all there with their view of your life and what is best......then you get married and usually your mate starts dictating to is so nice when you finally come to that place in your life when you start deciding what YOU want to do in life. I am at that place and my sweet family humor me and let me do what I want!......who knows how long this will last?
"We are often so distracted by the internal war between what we want to do and what we have to do that we overlook what we need to do. Not need in the sense of obligation to others, but in the sense of a compulsion to preserve our own sanity. When doing what others think we should do comes into direct conflict with what our heads or hearts demand, it is time to choose whether our top priority is to please others or to please ourselves."
I have a friend whose daughter thinks she should sell her home and move into a condo.......she does not want to sell her home and move.  In my family there was a situation where the couple decided they should sell their home and build a new one......some of their children could not understand why on earth they would even consider a move.  They felt the need was there and went with that need.  So each of us has to decide what that need is.
The last day of September......where does the time go?

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