Saturday, September 7, 2013


Just stepping outside to........ "MY SECRET GARDEN"....... can make you feel peaceful and quiet.  I live in a condo, so don't have room for one of those big gardens with wandering paths, past ponds of gold fish, beautiful statues and beautiful exotic plants, trees and shrubs.....with little benches to rest on here and there......maybe in my next life. No, I have made my patio into my secret little garden.  Bright furniture, with a carpet, pillows, many pots filled with flowering plants. Three tall shrubs that help to give me the privacy and enclosure from the outside world. In  the corner is a water fountain.....every garden needs some water.  A tall statue of a girl my sister gave me .....I call her my garden angle as my sister has since passed away. The aroma of the plants and spices there add their magic.  Hanging in full view is a wind chime I brought back from the gardens in Canada and my humming bird feeder.  Those little birds are so entertaining as they fight for their turn at the feeder. With a cold drink, a good book or my knitting I can open the happens to be a screen door..... into my own little world away from the TV news of all the sick things President Obama is piling on us, Ben Gazi, Syria, 'Obeymecare', taxes and on and on!  I am not young or old.....but just me, when I am out there. Now I know to some this might not be considered a garden as we think of it, but every one can make their own little nook of escape to privacy.  I have a beautiful Mexican fountain I brought back from Puerto Panasco, I put pretty pots of plants around it with little statues......and I have a small garden inside for winter days.  I had a fun gold fish for many years that out grew several bowls......but "Arnold' died awhile back. Make your own special place......"Or grow where your planted"!
Watched Annie cheer at the Brighton foot ball game last a weird dust storm......really missed seeing Rich out on the football field.  Karrie is a doll to put up with me and include me in many things the grandchildren are doing. Its just a nice Fall day of quiet, hanging out......two weeks from today Nicci gets married and I will be in Minneapolis to watch it. Should be interesting rubbing shoulders with my X and the K-MART lady?????

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